PROJECT | ongoing

Private Sector Innovation (PSI)


Private sector companies in Egypt’s industry need to become more innovative to be market competitive. To create a favourable environment for Egypt’s manufacturing sector, the project takes an integrated approach that combines elements of private sector and financial system development. Its activities include:

  • promoting cooperation between government institutions and private sector actors to direct public development policies and strategies towards innovation promotion,
  • enabling service providers to offer new and improved services for product and process innovations to manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),
  • qualifying supplier SMEs to respond better to market demand and improving cooperation between lead and supplier companies for more effective integration into national and international supply chains,
  • raising awareness in Egypt’s financial sector of the concept of value chain financing and assisting financial institutions in developing adequate financial products for the manufacturing sector.

By improving the competitiveness of Egypt’s manufacturing sector, the project contributes to economic growth and employment creation dynamics as envisioned in the national development strategy Egypt’s Vision 2030.


The conditions for innovation in Egypt’s manufacturing sector have improved.

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  • Egypt
  • Good management practices
  • Establishing management system

