Special Initiative ‘Decent Work for a Just Transition’
The project works with companies to remove potential obstacles to investment and improve competitiveness. It examines how specific barriers to investment or trade can be overcome. Such barriers may include a lack of local experts, limited capacity of the local supplier industry, a poor infrastructure or limited access to markets and financing opportunities.
In addition, the project promotes cooperation between German, European and African companies. This allows cooperation and supply structures to be strengthened and value chains to become international. Small and medium-sized enterprises are a driver for jobs in Ghana. The project supports these companies in becoming more competitive – for example by helping them to remove investment barriers or tap into new markets.
The project specifically promotes economic locations that are attractive and promise success in the long term, including business parks and industrial estates, and growth sectors. This includes the automotive sector and agriculture.
The employment-promoting growth of Ghanaian and European companies in Ghana is increased.
Useful links
- Ghana
- Incorporating circular economy concepts