Resource Efficient Management of Chemicals in Textile and Leather Sector Companies
The objective of the handbook is to provide practical guidance to personnel of factories in the textile and leather sector who are involved in the implementation or upgradation of resource efficient management of chemicals in their respective factories.
The handbook contains worksheets, handouts, presentations as well as reading materials to provide a ready reference for the different steps of implementing chemical management systems elements and good chemical management practices.
The materials are arranged in form of training untils along the seven steps of "Resource Efficient Management of Chemicals" (REMC) cycle of change and closely follow the recommended structure and content of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Chemical Management System Guidelines.
The toolkit provides practical step-by-step explanations to the persons involved in the managament of chemicals in such manufacturing companies on how to
(i) set up a chemical management system;
(ii) implement chemical risk control; or
(iii) simply update specific aspects in the company´s exisitng management practices.
With regard to the setting-up of a chemical management system, the toolbox closely refers to the Chemical Management System Guidance (CMS) Manual published by the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Foundation in September 2015.
The toolkit is also meant to serve as a reference for service providers (e.g. service cells in industry associations, business intermedaries, training, advisory or audit service providers), who want to assist companies in these efforts
Main features and components
GIZ Chemical Management Toolkit (Textile)
- ….bases on the earlier GIZ Chemical Management Toolkit for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises
- …. aims to empower factories to control input of chemicals and to advance towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals in production processes.
- ...provides practical guidance to facilitators /consultants for assisting companies in the textile sector with the implementation or upgradation of resource efficient management of chemicals.
- is arranged in form of training units along the seven steps of the “Resource Efficient Management of Chemicals” (REMC) cycle of change
- …are closely following the recommended structure and content of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Chemicals Management System Guidelines.
- Refers and Links to publications of UNEP, UNIDO, ILO, HSE (UK), BAUA (Germany) and ICCA
- …. reflects both the sustainability demands of brands/ retailers as well as the practical feedback from producers and industry association
Many thanks to all companies and stakeholder who have contributed to the development on the Chemical Management Toolkit, but especially to
- Dr. Jürgen Hannak, Md. Omar Faruq and Md. Shamsul Arafin
- Programme for Promotion of Social and Environmental Standards (PSES), GIZ Bangladesh
- INTEGRATION Environment & Energy Germany
- BiPRO GmbH, Germany - Dr. Reinhard Joas, Craig Hawthorne, Sanja Ursanic, Korbinian Eierstock
- Reed Consulting Bangladesh Ltd. - Dr. Mohammad Abbas Uddin
- Ecletic, Bangladesh - Md. Moniruzzaman
- Helmut Krist
Implementation and work steps
In line with the PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT cycle, common to many management systems, the process of implementing of chemicals management in this handbook follows a cycle of change, consisting of seven main steps.
1. Get ready for change
2. Understand and review the situation in your company
3. Identify and assess risks and control gaps
4. Identify and assess risks and control gaps
5. Develop your plan
6. Put chemical management into practice
7. Monitor, review and follow-up
Useful links
Phase of intervention
Operating SIA, Management, Resource efficiency
Level of intervention
Park management
Target groups
Company, SME, Industrial area management and operator